1) Become a Treat First Agency
2) Participation Agreement
3) Attestation Form
4) Data Collection Training Request
5) Downloadable Forms

Become a Treat First Agency

If you have reviewed the previous TxF Talks, you have a good feel for the benefits and strategies for becoming a Treat First Agency in New Mexico.​

In this Talk we will review the steps and forms you need to complete.

Participation Agreement

Participation Agreement

  • Purpose of the Treat First Clinical Model

    The New Mexico “Treat First” model of care is an innovative approach to behavioral health clinical practice improvement. The organizing principle is to ensure a timely and effective response to a person’s needs as a first priority. It is structured as a way to achieve immediate formation of a therapeutic relationship while gathering needed historical, assessment and treatment planning information over the course of a small number of therapeutic encounters. One of the primary goals has been to decrease the number of members that are “no shows” for the next scheduled appointment because their need was not met upon initial intake.

    Population to be served
    • All new admissions = 1st visit of care or “new episode of care”, not seen in last (90) days.
    • All age groups are appropriate for Treat First.
  • Provider Agency NameLocation 
    Add additional sites as needed.
  • Expectations for Participation

    • Upon receipt of a signed Attestation Form from a provider agency, BHSD, HCA, will provide a Certificate of Acknowledgement naming the organization as a Treat First Agency.
    • BHSD has built and will provide, through its Vendor (aka Falling Colors) a web-based data collection mechanism for ongoing reporting.
    • Prepare materials for and conduct a Briefing/Orientation to all the agency Lead Contacts prior to implementation of the model.
    • Meet with new agencies, along with Falling Colors, to walk through the data collection methods.
    • Conduct ongoing Treat First Learning Community gatherings which would enable the sites to share their discoveries and the state to capture the elements that worked the best across the participating provider agencies
    • Prepare a final report to state leadership as to the progress of the Treat First Model
    Participating Sites
    • The provider agency will sign this Participant Agreement and submit through the website or email it to Treat.First@hsd.nm.gov.
    • The provider agency will complete and sign an Attestation Form and submit through the website or email it to Treat.First@hsd.nm.gov.
    • Upon receipt of your signed Certificate of Acknowledgement from the state office, a copy of your certificate will be forwarded directly to:
      • the Medical Assistance Division’s designated staff
      • the Falling Colors staff at support@bhsdstar.org
    • Assign an agency Lead Contact for your Treat First program to work with the state.
    • Agree to implement the Treat First Model with all new admissions unless otherwise deemed inappropriate.
    • Participate in the initial Site Orientation and data collection trainings.
    • Submit the Data Collection Training Request form to support@bhsdstar.org.
    • Collect & submit on the Falling Colors website the predetermined data sets on all new admissions during the first 4 visits of their care.
    • Participate in scheduled conference calls or face-to-face meetings to share learnings and give feedback on how to upgrade the Treat First model.
    • Participate in ongoing trainings on the Treat First model, as needed.
    • On an annual basis, the agency will participate in a state survey of what worked best locally and which people were best served by the model.

Attestation Form

Attestation Form

  • Name/Physical Address of Facility SiteMedicaid IDNPI 
    Insert more if needed
  • The Provider Agency attests to the following activities:

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Data Collection Training Request

Please send this form to Falling Colors.  However, the process will be that once you have received your Certificate of Acknowledgement and the Certificate has been forwarded by the state directly to Falling Colors, Falling Colors will contact you about scheduling training.

Data Collection Training Request Form

  • Name/physical address of Facility SiteMedicaid IDNPI 
    (Insert more if needed)
  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
  • Clear Signature

Downloadable Forms

  • Participation Agreement

    Submit this form to Treat.First@hsd.nm.gov

  • Attestation Form

    Submit this form to Treat.First@hsd.nm.gov

  • Data Collection Training Request

    Submit this form to Falling Colors at support@bhsdstar.org.

  • Sample Certificate of Acknowledgement

    An example certificate that you will receive upon completion.