Treat First Talks in New Mexico

How to form a therapeutic relationship while gathering needed behavioral health historical, assessment and treatment planning information over the course of a small number of therapeutic encounters.

The Treat First Talks

The following Treat First Talks will help you better understand the Treat First Approach. They offer some guidance on implementation. And finally, it explains what you need to do to officially be recognized as a Treat First Agency.

Orientation to the Treat First Concept

Instead of prioritizing extensive, and sometimes intrusive, diagnostic exploration without having created client rapport, with Treat First we can find out what brings the person in to see us, listen to what kind of help they are looking for, and prioritize meeting those needs. —all within four visits to resolve what brought the client in, or before a full diagnostic assessment is to be completed.

Shift of Approach

Often times the first session with a Therapist or Psychiatrist performing the assessment can feel like a game of 50 questions ranging from your mother’s prenatal care to your first sexual encounter. Often our clients get discouraged because they don’t think these questions are pertinent to how they feel and what they are going through at this point in time. Let's shift the approach. The treat first model is strength based and client driven which leads to better outcomes, higher “show rates” and less provider frustration.

From Effective Engagement to Effective and Relevant Documentation

Treat First is not just a “program” intended to be implemented for a short period, but a shift in practice intended to help behavioral health facilities to improve their ability to serve clients more effectively. Treat First emphasizes meeting the client where they are and engaging clients quickly in services that address immediate needs.

Treat First and Clinical Supervision

This module will focus on the use of the Check In/Check Out questionnaires in a clinical supervision to develop engagement techniques, improve information gathering skills and help providers to apply solution focused approaches to the client's presenting problems. Special focus will be placed on helping the therapist to reduce resistance using the questionnaires as well as helping providers to become more comfortable in the use of targeted or episodic care.

How to become a Treat First Agency

Congratulations! Now that you know the benefits and strategies of the Treat First Approach, here are the steps and forms you will need to complete to become a Treat First Agency in New Mexico.

RE-Certification for Being a TreatFirst Agency

This module is only relevant to those agencies who currently hold a Certificate as a Treat First Agency.  At the bottom of your certificate, there is a 'Period of Certification.' It indicates when the period of your agency’s particular Certification ends.